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News Brief

Aug. 28, 2019Missouri |  By: Andrew Botwinik

Gas prices down for Labor Day

According to, the national average price per gallon of gas is projected to be $2.55 on Labor Day, down nearly 30 cents from last year and the lowest since 2016's $2.20 per gallon.

Head of Petroleum analysis, Patrick Dehaan, says there's a reason behind the drop.

"Essentially one of the biggest reasons behind for that is the drop in the price of crude oil that's occurred in the last few months.  A lot of that is likely tied to concerns over U.S-China trade tensions which have flared up.  And may slow the economy down enough so we can oil demand causing oil prices to drop and those gas prices to go down as well."

DeHaan also says that there's a state difference in how much labor is actually needed to fill your tank up this Labor Day.

"The state that had to work the fewest hours was Massachusetts at about 67 hours per year to pay your annual gasoline bill whereas in some places out west you had to work 108 hours.  So between the two, you're almost talking about an entire work week more of work to pay for that pay for that annual fuel bill.  It's quite surprising looking at average wages and comparing it to consumption in each of one those states."